Getting numerous impression for your tweets each day is powerful. Numerous impressions means many people see your tweets each day.
If many people see your tweets each day, then it will be easier for numerous people to remember who you are. Soon enough, you’ll have a large audience of people who will remember you.
My tweets get seen by over 150,000 people every day. The success of my tweets results in people remembering who I am and visiting my blog without being told to do so.
If used properly, Twitter can be a powerhouse that brings in hundreds of thousands of visitors to your blog every year.
It’s a result that every blogger would want to see.
Getting more blog traffic from Twitter involves putting your tweets in front of as many people as possible.
Putting your tweets in front of numerous people each day is especially important if you want your audience to remember you.
The truth about those 150,000 daily impressions is that most of those people don’t engage with my tweets. Out of those 150,000 daily impressions, I get a few hundred visitors, retweets, and favorites each day.
However, even though most people don’t engage with my tweets, they see them.
I rarely favorite and retweet tweets that other digital marketing experts send. If I had a policy of favoriting and retweeting the content I liked, I’d be favoriting and retweeting too much.
When I want to learn more about my niche, I go through the tweets of people like Jeff Bullas and Kim Garst.
I go through some of their tweets without engaging in any way. Part of the reason is that I sometimes look at their tweets without clicking just to get more blog post ideas.
At other times, I am looking for information on a specific topic.
Regardless of the reason, I don’t engage with some of their tweets.
Even if I don’t engage with any of their tweets, I am reminded of their expertise and how much I appreciate their content.
That’s why getting numerous Twitter impressions is important, even if it seems like most of the people who see your tweets don’t engage with them.
They see those tweets, and they know who you are.
So how can you get 150,000 daily impressions? Yes, having a large audience plays a role, but there is more to having a large audience. Here are the details:
#1: Tweet More Often
Let’s get mathematical for a second (fine, a little more than a second).
You want 150,000 impressions today. If you send one tweet, then you are relying on that one tweet to get 150,000 impressions today.
If you send two tweets today, then you are relying on each tweet to get 75,000 impressions today.
Two tweets each getting 75,000 impressions in one day is still a big challenge, but it’s not as difficult as one tweet getting 150,000 impressions.
I send about 100 tweets every day. Each tweet has to get 1,500 impressions for me to get 150,000 daily impressions.
Now that looks possible, and that’s exactly how I get 150,000 impressions every day.
#2: Tweet Valuable Content
The math supports tweeting more often as a way to boost Twitter impressions. However, if you only tweet for the sake of getting impressions, then your long-term strategy will be a failure.
You could technically send 1,000 tweets in one day and hope that each tweet gets 150 daily impressions. That would get you 150,000 impressions, but you would lose a lot of your followers.
To keep your followers and continue growing your audience, you must tweet valuable content. The only reason I am able to send over 100 tweets each day and keep my followers is because I tweet valuable content.
If I tweeted bad content, I would lose a lot of followers. Then getting 150,000 daily impressions would be a far-off goal.
But what exactly is valuable content? Valuable content isn’t necessarily the content that you believe is valuable.
Valuable content is the type of content that your audience believes is valuable.
I am a digital marketing expert with an audience that wants digital marketing articles. If I suddenly write a blog post about home improvement, my audience would get confused.
I’d get confused too.
The next question to ask is what your audience wants. That’s where the third method for boosting daily Twitter impressions comes in.
#3: Grow A Targeted Audience
You can have a big number of followers. However, if they don’t care for your tweets, then it doesn’t matter how many impressions you get.
A targeted audience is what you need to pursue. Identifying your targeted audience just comes down to these two questions:
What do I provide?
Who would want it?
These two questions are all you need to answer to identify your targeted audience. Then focus on growing a targeted audience.
Most of your tweets should be geared towards providing content that your targeted audience would want more of. Then, people in your targeted audience will decide to follow your account.
Not only that, but some of your followers will decide to retweet your tweets. That results in more impressions and exposure for your tweets.
If you don’t have any type of audience and want to grow a targeted audience, then growing that targeted audience is simple.
Follow people within your targeted audience who are likely to follow you back. I have over 265,000 Twitter followers, but I am also following over 210,000 people.
#4: Pin A Tweet To The Top Of Your Account
Pinning a tweet to the top of your account allows that tweet to always be significant. While most tweets die off in a few hours (the very popular ones anyway. The life-span for most tweets is under 30 minutes), these tweets are immortal (until you unpin them).
I currently have a tweet from December 2014 pinned to the top of my account. Even though it was tweeted over a year ago, it still gets a lot of engagement.
The impressions and clicks that this one tweet generated are equally significant
The tweet has been engaged with over 3,000 times. The most important stat there for me is the amount of clicks. The tweet has received over 1,500 clicks since I pinned it. These are landing page clicks which means some of these clicks are resulting in subscribers.
The one tweet will give you massive social proof, especially if you keep it pinned for a while.
#5: Promote Your Twitter Account On Your Other Platforms
I promote my Twitter account on my blog and my other social networks for a few reasons.
The first reason is that the Twitter account gives me social proof. It’s one thing for me to say that I know a lot about Twitter. It’s another thing when I can say that and have the social proof.
The second reason is that I want people to follow me on as many of my social networks as possible. That way, regardless of which social network they use, the people in my audience are always going to see my content.
The third reason is that it helps with impressions. Remember that getting more impressions shouldn’t be your main goal, but it is helpful inspiration to grow your audience.
In Conclusion
Getting 150,000 daily Twitter impressions takes a lot of time and effort. It may take you a while before you get 150,000 daily Twitter impressions.
If you exclusively go after 150,000 daily Twitter impressions, then you may get discouraged if you don’t reach that goal for several days/weeks/months depending on your audience size.
You need to look at the amount of impressions you currently get on Twitter each day. Then give yourself achievable daily impression goals as you climb your way to 150,000 daily impressions.
If you currently get 1,000 daily impressions, and you only send five tweets per day, then ask yourself how you can get 5,000 daily impressions.
You can send more tweets, grow your audience, and do a variety of other things to get more engagement for your tweets.
You will eventually become comfortable with setting high goals for boosting your daily Twitter impressions. Then, soon enough, you will be getting over 150,000 daily Twitter impressions.
Do you think Twitter impressions are important or that engagement is the only thing that matters? Do you have any tips for increasing the exposure of a tweet? Sound off in the comments section below.
Great article! Thanks for the tip about pinning a tweet. I didn’t realize I could even do that!
My pleasure Kristen. Pinning tweets is great for getting traffic to specific content. I’m happy you got that takeaway from the post.