Nitin Chhoda is an immigrant who arrived in the U.S. penniless in 2002. He started by delivering pizza, sleeping in his car, and not having enough money to afford winter clothing. However, his hustling mentality allowed him to transcend the grip of poverty to become a licensed physical therapist, entrepreneur, author, and public speaker. Now he owns and runs several multi-million dollar companies with over 30 employees worldwide.
Quotes To Remember:
“Going for zero to $100,000 is all about hustle”
“As an entrepreneur, be prepared to deal with crazy stuff”
“I view money as a vehicle”
“Resilience is a direct function of how much struggle you have been through”
“The right people, hiring the right people is crucial for going from point A to point B….Find and hire the right people, and your professional stature, your emotional capability and your long-term potential as an entrepreneur will significantly increase if you’re around the right people”
What You’ll Learn
—How to develop resilience
—How to get the right people on your team
—Creating proper systems that will help your business grow massively
—The habits of successful entrepreneurs
Key Links from The Show:
Total Activation — Nitin’s Site.
Recommended Books from the Show:
Total Activation by Nitin Chhoda
Influence by Robert Cialdini
No Man’s Land by Doug Tatum
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