David Etheredge is SavvyCard’s primary evangelist and is heavily involved in building strategic relationships with key third party technology and service providers. He has appeared on a variety of podcasts and radio shows and did a TEDx Talk on the Trust Economy.
Building trust with your audience allows for positive word of mouth marketing. Regardless of how big or small your audience is, you have to treat your audience like they’re people who took time out of their busy lives to engage with your business…because that’s exactly who they are.
In this episode, you’ll learn from David how you can build relationships and get more clients. One of the pro tips he mentioned was interviewing customers which you can use for a podcast, video, or written content. There’s plenty of more gems like that one in this episode.
Here are the key links from the episode:
David’s TEDx on the Trust Economy
Marc’s Links
5 Day Podcast Launch Mini Course
Build A Mega Brand With The Power Of Content Marketing
Marc’s book