Dr. Stanley Robertson has come to be known as “the quit doctor” because of his relentless determination to heal the world of the stigma and shame associated with the concept of quitting. He is an author, coach, and speaker who grew up in a project building on the south side of Chicago. Jack Canfield, the creator of Chicken Soup for the Soul, calls today’s guest the coolest person he knows.
*The title of the episode may trigger some people. Look through the quotes to get an idea. I was first skeptical to this idea when I first came across it a few years ago but now have a deeper understanding. Dr. Stanley Robertson delivered some great insights in this episode. He also provides many examples in the episode*
Quotes To Remember:
“You cannot grow while you are talking.” –I’ve used this one A LOT since our interview “You should not quit because it’s hard.” “Why am I telling him to do something he may not want to do?” “We’ve been raised with the false notion that winners never quit.” “Successful people do quit all the time.” What You’ll Learn:
- The art of quitting
- When to quit and when not to quit
- Examples of people who got better because they quit
- False notions and seeing through them
- Success habits
Key Links From The Episode:
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