Following back has been proven to work, but a lot of people don’t realize how much exposure you get from following other people back. It took me a long time to realize that for every person you follow, you get more exposure.
When you follow someone, you appear in their list of followers. When someone views that list of followers, they have a chance of finding you. If you follow 1,000 people, you are in 1,000 lists. If you follow 10,000 people, you are in 10,000 lists. All it takes to join a list is by clicking on the follow button. There will be people who appear above you since the list goes from the newest followers to the oldest followers. However, there will be a point when you are the newest follower and your name appears on the top.
If you consistently follow more people every day, you will always be on the top of someone’s list. People who seek a targeted following look at the followers someone else has and follows those people. If you are on the top of the list, the people who see you as a targeted follower are going to follow you.
Following others will lead to follow backs, but it also leads to you account getting promoted. This is just another reason why following others on Twitter is essential.