We are all afraid of sharks. They’re the fiercest animals in the sea. We see them as creatures with their sharp teeth and as fast swimmers. Sharks have more reasons to be afraid of us than we have reasons to be afraid of them. Just take a look at this infographic.
I know the infographic is really long, but that’s just the comparison of how many times humans kill sharks versus how many times sharks kill humans. That small list of humans represents how many humans sharks kill every year. The big list of sharks that involved a lot of scrolling down represents how many sharks are killed every hour. It would take almost a millenium for sharks to kill humans equal to the number of times humans kill sharks in a given hour.
The reason we are all afraid of sharks is because we know what they can do. I have seen the movie Jaws multiple times. Each time I have watched the movie, I watch it on a beach late at night (every Thursday in the summer, a movie is played at the Cape May beach. I can hear the waves crashing in, and sometimes I look into the dark sea wondering what lurks.
That’s why we are afraid of sharks. There is also that movie Sharknado that was viewable in select theaters for one day. We have been taught that sharks will eat us if they see us and get the chance.
It’s time to look at both sides of the coin. It isn’t always easy to look at both sides of the coin, but when we do, it’s clear that humans kill way more sharks than the amount of sharks that kill humans. It’s not that sharks are killing humans as many times as they can. In fact, it’s the other way around.