A few weeks ago, I was invited to speak at the Authority Super Summit. I looked at some of the info about the event and was hooked. Here’s some of the facts that caught my eye:
- Guinness World Record for longest live event
- Hundreds of other speakers (I knew several of them, and speaking at the same event as them was an honor)
- It would be all on Blab.
Wait, Blab. What’s that?
Blab seemed to be the only social network that I missed. It was still new, I heard little about it, but now I was forced to use it. If I didn’t use Blab, I couldn’t speak at the Authority Super Summit.
And then my eyes were opened.
After my 6 am presentation, I thought more about how I could use Blab for my business. I had a great time interacting with the audience in a way that I never thought was possible. I had a fun time during the Authority Super Summit and enjoyed using Blab.
Now that I had done my first Blab (technically speaking), I had an idea for how it worked. The wheels in my mind started turning, and I thought of how I could use Blab to take my business in a completely different direction.
Goals that once seemed impossible were now light work—all because of Blab.
Okay, I’m giving a solid testimonial about Blab. I’m sure Blab’s CEO is very happy with me right now. But less raving about Blab’s potential.
It’s time for me to provide you with the information. More specifically, four ways that you can use Blab for your business.
#1: AMA Session
AMA stands for “Ask Me Anything.” Your audience asks you questions, and you answer them. However, Blab provides an interactive chat section that rivals all of the other chatting methods on the web.

Since the chat section gets updated in real-time as you do the video, you can easily read questions as they appear in the chat section.
I know this isn’t something revolutionary. Webinars also have this feature where you can ask questions. However, it is easier for people within the audience to interact with one another as you give your presentation.
You want this type of interaction to happen because each person in the audience is giving someone an additional reason to continue watching the presentation. It’s easy to feel alone when watching a live presentation on your computer screen. You don’t get the same impression as being at a local event in a room of 100 people.
However, the interactive chat section Blab provides makes it difficult to feel alone. Suddenly your viewers have other people to talk to. As your viewers make new friends through the chat section, they are also watching your presentation.
That’s a win-win for you and your viewers. Better yet, Blab makes it ridiculously easy for the speaker to engage with people in the audience. The speaker can post something in the chat section at any point during the presentation.
Speaking of posting something in the chat section during the presentation…
#2: Get More Subscribers
During my first ever Blab, I was focused on nailing the interview. The Authority Super Summit was one of the most prestigious event I had been invited to speak at, so it took me a while to fully appreciate Blab.
However, I gained appreciation for Blab when it was my time to promote myself. I mentioned the landing page for my free Kindle training series. However, the problem with promoting a landing page at an event like this is that you must provide the link.
Long links filled with dashes are easy to forget. People who want free training won’t want to go through the hassle of typing in URL after URL until the free offer shows up.
So I decided to post the link to the landing page in the chat section. Out of the 67 live viewers, 9 of them signed up to receive the free Kindle training series for a 13% conversion rate.
This was a last-minute, spur of the moment thought that resulted in 9 new subscribers in less than a minute of additional work. As I host Blabs more often, I will be aiming to increase that number and eventually get over 20 new subscribers from each Blab.
However, considering my first Blab brought in 9 new subscribers, I was happy with the results.
#3: Host A Summit
After my interview during the Authority Super Summit concluded, I wondered how difficult it would be to create my own summit. Now, a 65 hour summit like Authority Super Summit would be very difficult for me to do (and stay awake for). I would need a lot of help to even get close to that record.
However, I didn’t see the problem with hosting a shorter summit. Part of the success behind Authority Super Summit was that each of the speakers promoted the event a few hours before they went live.
That meant Authority Super Summit would always have a big crowd. By the end of the summit, thousands of people had tuned in at certain points throughout the summit.
If you host a summit of superstar speakers and get them to promote the summit, then you too will generate a lot of exposure for your Blabs.
It’s a win-win for both of you since you have a Blab with a lot of exposure and the speaker has a chance to highlight his/her expertise and where you can find him/her on the web.
#4: Podcast AND YouTube Channel Content
Here’s a cool thing about Blab: when you are done with the Blab, they automatically send you a video file and an audio file.
Most people freak out when they think about leveraging every platform—tweeting, posting on Facebook, uploading videos to YouTube, putting pictures on Instagram, and all of that stuff.
Let alone live a life outside of work.
But Blab makes that part of the process as easy as pie with those two valuable files. You can use the provided audio file to create a podcast episode and the video file to create a YouTube video.
So the one Blab interview you did is now a part of your YouTube channel AND your podcast.
The cool part is that you didn’t do any extra work. The content was literally given to you since you did the Blab.
Successful entrepreneurs understand how valuable their time is. Being able to feed three birds with one scone is a game changer, especially when those three scones are the emerging Blab, the well-established YouTube, and podcasting which connects you with the iTunes audience (among others as well).
In Conclusion
Blab is a game-changing social network. It allows you to spread your awareness on three platforms at once by putting in the same amount of work to produce one video.
The interactive chat section is beyond-this-world awesome. Viewers get to engage with each other, and that interaction will result in them watching you speak for a longer period of time. You can also engage with the viewers and even post links within the chat section.
What are your thoughts about Blab? Do you see yourself using it in the future? Sound off in the comments section below.
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