Rise above them! One of my goals is to have over 5,000 Twitter followers before summer. I am now tweeting even more tweets while some of them are strategic to get more followers (quotes, pictures, etc). I use a website called Twitter Counter to track my statistics. According to Twitter Counter, I will have 5,000 Twitter followers in the next 83 days. The only problem with that is June 1st is 72 days from now which makes me a little behind. How do I beat those kinds of odds?
Before I started getting more strategic on Twitter, followed more people, tweeted even more awesome content, and created a goal for myself, Twitter Counter predicted that it would take me 112 days for me to get 5,000 Twitter followers. The time it would take me to achieve the same milestone has dropped by almost 30 days, and this drop happened within the past 5 days. If I get more Twitter followers, Twitter Counter will project me to reach 5,000 Twitter followers even faster.
Twitter Counter also says that I will have 3,500 Twitter followers in the next 28 days which puts me in the middle of April, but Twitter Counter doesn’t put a long Easter Break into the equation.
My daughter gave me the link to this site and she is totally right keep up all the terrific work