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Charlie Bucket ends up winning the competition, and his house is moved to Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory. However, there were many people who wanted to be in Charlie’s position. Here’s how Wonka ended up choosing Charlie as the winner.
The first thing Wonka did was to hide the golden tickets in bars. There were only 5 tickets, and the five people who found those tickets were Charlie Bucket, Veruca Salt, Mike Teavee, Violet Beauregarde, and Augustus Gloop. Charlie was the mot deserving out of the five because Charlie had proper manners. The other 4 had flaws. When you are making decisions between who to include in your business plan, do what Wonka did.
Augustus Gloop’s downfall was his eating habits. He was a greedy eater, and he ate everything in sight. When he saw the chocolate river, he knew he needed to eat some of the chocolate. He keeps on eating the chocolate and ends up falling into the river. He continues eating the chocolate, but then he gets sucked through a pipe where he ends up in the Fudge Room.
Augustus Gloop’s greed led to his demise. If he won, he could have had all of the chocolate he wanted. His greed made him want the chocolate right then and there. The chocolate river looked really good, but Augustus had it too early.
Veruca Salt was a daughter of a rich family which naturally made her spoiled. If she saw something she liked, she would say, “I want it now!”
Hearing that the first time is annoying enough. Constantly hearing about it for a long time is. It all ended when she demanded her father to buy her one of Wonka’s trained squirrels. When she approaches the squirrel, the squirrel says Veruca is a “bad nut” and sends her down the garbage chute. Her father endures the same fate. She still wants more. Covered in garbage, Veruca looks at the glass elevator and asks her father for one. That was when her father lost his mind.
Veruca was a spoiled girl who wouldn’t be grateful no matter what she was given. If she won the competition and ended up being given the chocolate factory, she would have wanted more. More is good, but it is better to be grateful for what we have.
Violet Beauregarde’s problem wasn’t that she ate too much. It was the opposite. She was an athlete which is good, but she kept on talking about herself. She was competitive, and one of the things she did was chew gum. She bragged about how she chewed the same piece of gum for 3 months. During the tour, she sees some gum, and she chews the gum against Wonka’s wishes. Violet ends up growing into a superhuman blueberry and weighed over 1 ton.
Violet’s big ego resulted her turning into a superhuman blueberry (doesn’t get bigger than that). She ends up going back to normal size. No one wants to hear someone talk about themselves all the time, and Wonka couldn’t agree more.
Mike Teavee was a bad-tempered boy who commented on everything involving Wonka’s ‘absurdness’ and points out the flaws of the chocolate factory. The only thing Mike cares about is television. He primarily went to the chocolate factory to see the chocolate television room. While trying to film himself, he shrinks himself to a few inches tall. He is small enough for his father to slip him into a pocket.
Mike Teavee was smarter than the other children who didn’t make it, but he only looked at the flaws. He saw areas where the chocolate factory could improve instead of how amazing the place was. He also went to the chocolate factory for the wrong reason. If he won the contest, the entire chocolate factory would have been his.
Just like Augustus Gloop, he saw something and couldn’t stay away, the chocolate television room. Then he shrank himself. He was definitely small enough to know if there was any dust on Wonka’s floor.
Make decisions like Wonka, and then you will be able to choose the benefactors instead of the malefactors.
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