You can show up. People will show up to the gym while other people will show up at the nearby business expo. People show up, but do they do it consistently.
The person who showed up at the gym feels honored. They actually showed up. Then, that person goes home. That person still feels honored and says, “I deserve a day off.”
After the day off, all of the excuses start to surface. “I have to meet up with someone. I’m having friends over. My favorite TV show is on. The gym is too far away,” and other excuses similar to those start to surface.
A new blogger may send out 5 blog posts but forget to send out another blog post for the entire week. That new blogger showed up, but that new blogger didn’t show up consistently.
All of the people we know who are successful didn’t only show up. They showed up consistently. If Huffington Post didn’t come out with a new blog post, everyone would know about it. If Techcrunch decided to take the day off, we would notice. If Google didn’t work all of a sudden after consistently working for so long, we would know about it. In fact, that happened recently.
It’s time for us to reevaluate what it means to show up. Showing up doesn’t mean showing up, leaving, and never coming back. Showing up does not mean half of the battle is done. Showing up consistently on a daily or weekly basis is half of the battle. I won’t know the potential of my blog if I decided to stop blogging.
Showing up consistently is half of the battle. After months or even years of consistently showing up, you will see the results and reap the benefits.
When reading this short but interesting article it reminded me about how being a successful blogger is quite like having a healthy lifestyle – no point making healthy food choices one day and then the next day reverting back to living on junk food – it’s what you do consistently, day in day out, that adds up.
Beautiful analogy Miriam. I never thought of it that way but now that the analogy is presented to me I see how true it is. Becoming a successful blogger is identical to living a healthy lifestyle.