You can dream big. You can think of all of the big things your business will become. However, when you meet with your audience, it’s better to have a smaller audience to begin. The smaller audience will allow you to see more clearly who your best clients are.
Having a big audience is great, but there are a lot of people who want to meet you. You may see thousands of people, and remembering them gets difficult. If your potential top clients see you first, and then you see thousands of other people, you might forget who your potential top clients were.
Coming up with a lot of content for a blog post is great. However, the blog post won’t attract a lot of readers if it’s as long as a book. I could go on about this topic, but I avoid writing thousands of words for a single blog post. Sometimes I don’t even need 10 sentences to convey my message. It’s more important to actually convey the message than to write a humongous blog post.
And so everyone understands why bigger isn’t always better, we can use an iPhone as the example. Would you rather have a 4 inch iPhone or a 20 inch iPhone? The 4 inch iPhone fits in your pocket while the 20 inch iPhone doesn’t. Playing games and using apps on the 20 inch iPhone wouldn’t be that much fun either.
Dreaming big is way better than dreaming small, but not all things are better when they are big versus when they are small.
I fully agree with you. Long Blog posts don’t get read. Thank you for sharing!