Remember that time when you had nothing to do for an entire day and nothing was on your agenda. Probably not.
People are very busy, and since we are all busy, we tend to forget some things. Some things get in the way of business. Less business time means more forgetting. Some entrepreneurs are famous for forgetting.
Every successful blog have one thing in common: they have a boatload of subscribers. In fact, all of their subscribers can’t even fit on a boat. They would need 2 or 3 boats. That’s how many subscribers they have.
Social Media Examiner, Seth Godin’s blog, Jeff Bullas’ blog all have hundreds of thousands of subscribers. They also have over 100,000 followers on Twitter. People don’t forget about blogs like those because they see great content, and subscribing is easy. Social Media Examiner’s subscription box couldn’t be any bigger although that’s an advantage. Social Media Examiner and Jeff Bullas offer free products to anyone who subscribes to their blog.
Seth Godin doesn’t provide a free product to people right when they subscribe to his blog. However, he gives away a lot of freebies which can be found on his official website (not the blog).
People forget. If you want to be remembered, you have to give people a reason to remember you. In order to have a successful blog people will remember, you have to get those subscriptions. Those subscriptions will allow you to email your subscribers automatically when one of your new blog posts comes out.
People forget. Your mission isn’t only to make them remember. Your mission is to make them want to remember.
Have you tried Bubblews I think it would be perfect for you. Some of the posts on your blog would make you a lot at Bubblews as you write like Seth Godin. And how have the changes at Squidoo affected your earnings there?
I appreciate the compliment. I tried Bubblews for a little bit, but now seems like a good time to use it again. My earnings are down, but they should come back up when the sales go up for Christmas.