More people are hosting their own contests. More people are talking about creative ways to host contests and how to host them on various social networks. However, no matter which social network you use, your contest should be able to benefit you in some way. If you’re giving something away, you should get something in return.
These are the 3 things you need to focus on when it comes to hosting your own contest:
- Get more shares on the social network. This can mean more likes, repins, retweets, revines (depending on the social network you are using), and so on. If people share your contest on their social networks, friends and followers will learn about your contest. More people share your message, and more people enter for a chance to win.
- Get more followers that stick around. It’s unquestionable that hosting your own contest will get you more followers on your social networks. However, are these followers going to stick around once your competition ends? In order to get followers that stick around, make sure you frequently post updates similar to the prize you’re giving away. If you’re giving away an iPad, talking about technology would help you get followers that stick. If you review books, giving away a book will allow you to get followers that will stick around. Then, you can be sure your followers won’t just bounce back and forth to this contest and that contest.
- Get more subscribers for your blog. Did you check your email today? You probably did. A majority of people do the same thing. Some people check their inboxes right when they see the red circle indicating they got a new message. What if some of those messages were emails about your latest blog posts. Social networks are giant places, and it’s easy for people to get lost on them. One profile looks good today, but another profile will look even better tomorrow. At the end of your contest, you can say something like, “Subscribe to my blog for more updates about future contests and free resources as well.” This allows you to create a list, and as the contest progresses, that list gets bigger.
How many articles are necessary to get a good traffic. Can I get traffic from Google without sharing my contents on Social Media? . I am beginner and need a little help.
Thanks in advance
Some people write thousands of articles to get traffic while other people only need 100 or so. It all depends on how you promote the articles and how large your audience is. What you want to do is focus on getting people to your blog, and getting those visitors to join your email list.
You can get traffic from Google without sharing your content on social media, but social media is a reliable source of traffic. I get tens of thousands of visitors every month just from social media, and that has a positive effect on my blog’s SEO.
Nice post Marc – relevant prizes are sooo important in improving the quality of entrants 🙂