People are focusing on getting their message out there. People want others to tell people about their products. Word of mouth is powerful, and the ability to share content on social media is just as powerful. However, word of mouth and social media don’t result in a product that gets shared a lot.
Instead of finding more ways for people to share your product, create a product that is worth sharing. The best products aren’t necessarily the ones that get all of the advertising slots on television or the ones where the seller has over 100,000 followers on multiple social networks.
The best products are the ones that are worth sharing. People won’t share a sub par product that they see in an advertisement. You’ve told one of your friends about a product. That was a product worth sharing because you told someone else about that product. The product worth sharing is the one that goes from the unknown to the next bestseller.
Don’t create the hype. Create something of value.
You make it sounds so easy. Creating products and content worth sharing takes a lot of effort. It’s much easier to share what someone else has created.
It is definitely easier to share something that someone else created, but you don’t get to make as much revenue that way.