There are a lot of things that would be helpful towards making you the best of your niche. Being a power user on a social network would be helpful. Having one of the most popular blogs would be helpful. Being mentioned in the New York Times would also be very helpful.
Although these things are helpful, you don’t need them to become the best of your niche. In order to be the best of your niche, you need to do something so different from the competition that it’s remarkable. Some people are remarkable for low prices, high prices, or quality. Find some way to be remarkable.
After you have identified the way you are remarkable, be sure to have a quick and effective support team. Whether your support team has some people, a lot of people, or just you, your support team needs to respond to any of your follower’s/client’s questions as soon as possible. I always respond to people’s questions within a day at most. A quick response will make your followers/clients know that you are reliable. As more people see you as a reliable person of your niche, your will gradually make your way to the #1 spot.
Being remarkable is essential towards becoming #1. All of the #1 guys are remarkable in their own way. Apple is #1 because of their quality products and how Steve Jobs was able to go from getting fired to becoming the CEO again. A remarkable story combined with remarkable products equals remarkable results. Apple is now a multibillion dollar business that is worth more than Greece and Poland. These are more things that Apple is worth more than.
Be remarkable, have a remarkable story, and respond to anyone who asks you a question within a day. This will allow you to establish yourself as an expert of your niche. All of the #1 guys are experts of their niche, and as people see you as a reliable expert, you will be able to dethrone the #1 guy.
Great article. Reminds me of the book The Linchpin by Seth Godin. The idea is to stand out and be remarkable. Really enjoying a lot of the articles on your blog. Keep it up.
It makes sense you would be reminded of the book Linchpin. I have read several of Seth’s books and have found them all to be impressive. I have read Purple Cow, The Dip, Tribes, Linchpin, and All Marketers Tell Stories. Those are the books I can think on top of my head. Eventually I plan on reading all of them. I’m actually trying to read one book every week. Power Of Broke was the last book I read. It was great.
Great article Marc and I liked Dawn’s comment about a post called Marketing to Humans. Sounds like it would be a great article. Thanks again for the info and suggestions.
My pleasure Samantha. I’ll have to give more thought to a post called Marketing To Humans.
Focus is what as you said is much needed for consolidation of facts and reputation of the individual or organization.
Focus is essential in a variety of ways such as time management and goal achievement. The consolidation of facts and reputation of the individual or organization are two other great examples. There are numerous benefits associated with being focused.
Maybe that should be the title of your next blog: “Marketing to Humans.” 🙂 Great job!
I like the title and will definitely consider it.
Great article. You are touching on a detail that most people forget: We go into business to connect with people and share our “remarkable” product or service. And then, somehow, we forget that a human being is receiving it, maybe they have a question about it or perhaps they want to say thank you. I have a strong feeling your business will continue to be remarkable because you care about your clients and customers.
Thank you. In a world with viral marketing, content marketing, and advertisements, it seems as if everyone forgets about marketing to humans.