When we give ourselves goals to strive for, we feel the excitement. We feel empowered and ready to accomplish our goals. However, that feeling of empowerment does not last forever. In order to keep that good feeling of empowerment, you need to stay motivated as you work on your goal. This blog post will be about keeping that motivation so you can accomplish your current goals, and the other goals you give yourself later on.
The secret ingredient to motivation is the mindset. However, the secret ingredient can either be the winning formula or the poison that diminishes motivation. This do or die secret ingredient is the mindset. In order to be motivated, you need to have a powerful mindset.
Along with the powerful mindset comes the vision. Where do you see yourself. What are the things that you imagine yourself accomplishing. Keep on thinking about those good things throughout your journey whether you are currently working on your goal or taking a 30 minute break.
Another great way to keep the motivation you have acquired is by reading inspirational quotes. I tweet inspirational quotes every day at 3 am, 9 am, 3 pm, and 9 pm Eastern Time. You can download an app on your phone with a bunch of inspirational quotes or search the internet for them. When you find a really good inspirational quote, write it in your notebook and keep a collection of them.
Remembering where you started will allow you to see how much you have already accomplished. This will allow you to plan and wonder what else you can accomplish. By remembering the accomplishments, you will realize all of the great things you have already done. When people lose motivation, they usually forget about all of their other accomplishments. By remembering your accomplishments, you will be able to keep that motivation stirring!
There are numerous ways to remain motivated. I will definitely be writing a series of blog posts about keeping motivation. There is definitely going to be a Part 2, but there could also be a Part 3 and other parts as well. Use these tactics in order to stay motivated so you can get your goals accomplished.
If you use any other tactics to stay motivated, please share them below.
Great point on keeping the vision. It is very easy to lose focus on the vision.
Thank you Charles. Visions are important because without them, we won’t know where we are going.
Nice blog theme! Important, too, to avoid those who don’t share the vision – those who don’t think we can do it, or who don’t believe in our project. Being around them, no matter how close they are to us, can have a very limiting effect on our motivation and sense of purpose.
Although these people are not the ones we want to be with, some of these people will show up. I like to use them as motivation because when I complete something they said was impossible, I get to go back to the conversation we had a few months ago and say, “Oh yeah!”
It’s just as fun as it sounds 🙂
Ahhh, the soul-suckers. Yeah they can have a devastating impact on our personal attitude, but there are ways to rise above. Hey Marc, I think you should do a post expanding on how to keep that motivation going despite the naysayers. If you ever feature guest posters, I’d be glad to chime in!
I never heard soul-suckers before, but it sounds creative. I’ll write a post about ignoring naysayers before summer starts. Although it doesn’t look like I will take guest bloggers anytime soon (if ever), I’ll email you if I change my mind.