Getting people to comment on your blog will allow you to interact with your visitors. The more comments you get on your blog, the more visitors you are able to interact with. Many blogs that get numerous comments per post also happen to have be the most popular blogs on the web. Commenting builds the buzz about what you have to offer, and getting those comments can also result in more potential subscribers. In order to get more people to comment on your blog, follow these 7 tips.
- Write opinion-based content. By writing opinion-based content, some of your visitors will decide to respond to your blog post with their own opinion. If you write a blog post about how awesome dogs are, some of your visitors will agree while others will disagree. The result will be visitors commenting with their opinion.
- Write quality content. It seems as if this tip is everywhere and gets overused. However, it is still an important way to get more comments on your blog. Most comments come from the people who are reading the entire blog post. If you want someone to read your entire blog post, you need to write quality blog posts. That will increase your visitors’ retention rate and as a result lead to more comments.
- Get more people to visit your blog. There are numerous ways to do this such as boosting your blog’s SEO, making your blog load faster, and utilizing your social networks. Getting more blog traffic will lead to more visitors. The more visitors a blog has, the more comments that blog gets.
- Make sure it is easy to leave a comment. If someone has to log in or create an account in order to leave a comment, less people will leave comments. You should only ask your visitors of three things (name, email, and website). The easier it is to leave a comment, the more comments your blog will get.
- Write blog posts consistently and frequently. People need to know when you are going to send out a blog post in order to see it. When they see your blog post, some of those people will comment on it. In order to get the most traffic and comments, it is important to write blog posts on a consistent, frequent basis. I publish blog posts every day at 9 am and 9 pm Eastern Time.
- Reply to the people who leave comments. This will only encourage those people to leave more comments on your blog and visit it more often. When new visitors see activity in your comments section, they will be more likely to leave a comment.
- Encourage people to leave their own comment. Some people need a little nudge before they leave a comment. If the little nudge encourages 50 people to leave a comment on your blog, you will be able to get more activity on your blog.
Those are the 7 ways to get more comments on your blog. Do you have any additional insights or thoughts about this post that you would like to say? Please share them below.
Great too, as usual huge material. thanks Marc
My pleasure Claudia 🙂
Hi Marc, Congrats for this! Many thanks for sharing us
Thank you 🙂
Hi Marc.
That was a quality article. Like you said, several tips are seen everywhere. However, I think that many forget the first point about opinions.
I have noticed that opinion or experience based posts get the best quality engagement.
I rarely, sign up for email updates anymore, as I read so many posts each day. But I will sign up for yours.
All the best,
Thank you Nathan. That means a lot to me, and I am happy to hear that you are signing up for email updates. It is a shame that many bloggers now go through the robotic motions–reading what someone wrote, writing something about the same topic, and not adding any personality to it. An easy way to stand out is by showing the true you in all of your blog posts because we are all unique in our own ways.
Yes Marc you got great content! Like Erik said, how can I not comment 🙂 However, these are valuable tips and pass this along. Thanks!
My pleasure, and I’m glad you liked the article.
Aw, c’mon now! How could people read this and not comment? :: shakes head ::
Marc, I want you to know that I really admire what you do. And in browsing even just the most recent posts of yours on Twitter, I found many that interested me and caused me to want to read them.
You know you are doing a good job. You’ve got lots of Followers and are having an influence. But I still want to say it to you anyway: great job! You’ve got a clear writing style and break things down in meaningful ways. And I am always impressed by young people who’ve invested in being effective writers and communicators.
Thank you. That means a lot to me. I am happy that you took the time to write this comment because I always appreciate reading through these comments. They give me the motivation I need to continue doing what I do faster and experiment with new ideas.