Free reports entice people to subscribe to your blog. They are informative, lengthy articles that provide the kind of value that your targeted audience is looking for. The more similar your free report’s topic is to your blog content, the more subscribers you are going to get.
However, many people forget to include certain components in their free reports. Although adding these components to your free report may only take a few minutes at most, they can bring forth powerful results These components have the power to increase blog traffic, boost social proof, and get more sales.
#1: Links To Individual Blog Post.
When you see the opportunity in your free report, include a link to a related blog post. Including links to related blog posts allows you to boost your blog traffic and bring more attention to certain blog posts that either need the attention or need to get ranked higher on Google.
If your free report is about productivity, you can include a link to a blog post about time management. If the person enjoys your free report and gets to the link, that person will be more likely to click on the links to read your various blog posts. Then, if you have an irresistible blog, that person will stick around for a while. The more this person sticks around, the happier that person will feel about subscribing to your blog.
Better yet, the more someone sticks around, the most that person will trust in your ability to produce valuable content. This trust is important because it means returning visitors and sales for your future products.
#2: Social media icons.
At the end of your free report, show people where they can find you on social media. You want people to connect with you on social media because that’s where conversations take place. You can interact with these people on your social networks and with enough interaction, some of these people may decide to share your blog posts.
Getting people to share your blog posts may lead to more subscribers, and then the process will simply continue as long as you continue to grow your email list.
Including clickable pictures of the icons that lead to your social media profiles is the ideal way to promote your social media accounts. If you have a big following on your social networks, be sure to utilize social proof so more people are enticed to follow you and buy your products.
#3: One product.
At the very end of your free report on a separate page from the social media icons, mention a product you made that is similar to your free report. If you have a book about Facebook, create a free report about Facebook so you are able to promote your book at the end. People who enjoyed your free report will be more likely to buy one of your products.
If you only distribute your free report to someone who subscribes to your blog, that person was already willing to enter their email address and get notifications from you straight to their inbox. After getting the free report, reading through it, and enjoying it, some of your readers may buy the product similar to the report. However, you are only going to get the sales for your product if you include a link to the product in your report.
It is important to remember that many of the people who are reading your free report for the first time may not be ready to buy from you right away. That means if you give your readers dozens of options to choose from, they will feel overwhelmed. Only giving your readers one product will boost the likelihood of that product making more sales compared to promoting dozens of different products to start the relationship.
In Conclusion
A free report is a great way to gain subscribers, but a free report can be more than that. Free reports have the ability to drive traffic to your blog, boost your sales, and optimize on your social proof. By taking a few minutes to go through your report, you can get better results from that report.
Do you have any additional tips for enhancing a free report?
hey Marc,
This 62 yo has to admit you have a wealth of knowledge and insight for a kid. I follow your advice.Thanks
Frank Walker LMFT
Thank you Frank. That means a lot to me.