One of my New Year’s resolutions is to create a podcast by the end of 2015, and for a good reason. After seeing the growth of podcasts on the web and successful podcasters such as Pat Flynn of The Smart Passive Income Podcast and Steve Scott of the Self-Publishing Questions Podcast, I decided I needed to have a piece of the action (you’ll see a podcast from me by the end of 2015; I haven’t given up on that New Year’s resolution). Here are six reasons why you would want to start your own podcast:
#1: You’ll Tap Into New Traffic
Podcasts are popular on the web, and some podcasts get millions of downloads. If you put your podcast on the iTunes Store, you would instantly tap into a new audience. As your podcast becomes more popular, more people will first hear about you through your podcast. Some of the people who first hear about you on your podcast may decide to subscribe to your blog and buy your products later on.
Not only do you get to tap into a new audience, but you can lead this new audience to your landing page. At the beginning of all of your podcast episodes, you have the opportunity to introduce yourself to new readers and promote your landing page at the same time. Just give your listeners a brief summary of what you offer on your landing page and then include a link in the podcast’s description to your landing page. If you get hundreds of people to download your podcast on iTunes every month, that’s hundreds of people who could potentially subscribe to your email list.
#2: Audio Content Is Becoming Popular
Audio is becoming more important than ever in a busy world filled with multi-taskers. In most multi-tasking scenarios, we do two things not as efficiently compared to our level of efficiency when we choose to focus on one thing at a time. Audio is different. If you go out for a walk, a run, or drive to the grocery store, then you can’t read a book at the same time. Reading and driving is the perfect formula for disaster. What is the substitute for reading? The answer is listening to podcasts.
Each time I run on the treadmill, I either listen to a podcast or a playlist of my favorite songs. Most of the time, I either listen to Pat Flynn or Steve Scott while running. I run for over an hour every day so I can listen to multiple episodes on their podcasts within a given week. In car rides, I either listen to Joel Osteen DVDs.
It is easier for us to listen to things than it is for us to read things. That’s why social media posts with videos get more engagement than social media posts without videos. That’s why YouTube is very popular. Audio content is easier for us to consume. You can listen with your eyes closed while lying on your couch.
#3: More Credibility
Having your own podcast gives you a new level of credibility. Why would you want more credibility? The simple answer is that credibility makes us look good. Would you rather buy the Twitter book from the person with 1,000 Twitter followers or the person with 10,000 Twitter followers (assuming the books were the same number of pages and both at the same price)?
The longer explanation is that credibility is easy to gain nowadays that we need more of it to truly stand out. Having a big social media audience isn’t enough. Having a popular blog isn’t enough. Having your own book isn’t enough. Having your own podcast isn’t enough. Many of the highly credible people in our niches have all four of these things, and more. You need to do more things of great value within your niche to really stand out.
[tweetthis twitter_handles=”@MarcGuberti” url=””]You need to do more things of great value within your niche to really stand out.[/tweetthis]
#4: More Interaction With Your Audience
One thing I really like about the layout Steve Scott uses for his Self-Publishing Questions podcast is that he starts every podcast with a listener’s question. Starting with a listener’s question is a great way to come up with episode topics while encouraging more interaction. Steve encourages his listeners to ask their own questions to possibly get featured on his podcast and get their questions answered.
At the end of every podcast, you have the ability to encourage interaction. If you have a comment section at the bottom of every episode, then encourage your listeners to respond in the comments section. If your episodes don’t have comment sections, then encourage your listeners to contact you via email. As you continue to grow your audience, more people will take the time to interact with you.
#5: Podcasting Is A Big Deal
Podcasting is a proven, reliable method to reach more people and interact with your audience. As a whole, we have downloaded over 1 billion podcast episodes, and that doesn’t even include all of the podcast episodes we listen to without downloading. I don’t download Pat Flynn’s or Steve Scott’s podcast episodes. Instead, I listen to their episodes on their respective websites.
I think some people aren’t taking the plunge into podcasting because they are unaware of how big podcasting has become. Podcasting is a big deal, and based on its growth in recent years, podcasting has a great future.
[tweetthis twitter_handles=”@MarcGuberti” url=””]Podcasting is a big deal, and based on its growth in recent years, podcasting has a great future[/tweetthis]
#6: You Can Interview Experts
When you start your own podcast, you give yourself the ability to interview experts in real-time for free. Instead of asking an expert questions via email or paying for a consultation session, you get to ask them questions 1-on-1 for the whole world to hear. Interviewing the top experts in your niche will boost your credibility, and you can potentially start joint ventures with some of these experts. Even if you don’t get the joint venture, many of these experts will promote your podcast episode that they got featured in. Your podcast episode now reaches new audiences, the audiences of the experts who you interview.
Interviewing the experts in your niche also allows you to learn more about your niche. You can think of these 1-on-1 conversations as 1-on-1 consultation sessions in which you ask the questions and get detailed answers from the experts. Don’t be afraid to ask questions about topics that you don’t fully understand. The job of an expert is to empower others with their knowledge. You can be more than sure that the podcast hosts learn new things from the experts they interview. If you want to become successful in what you do, you must constantly learn more about what you do, no matter how much you think you already know.
In Conclusion
Having your own podcast is a big deal. Having a podcast will boost your credibility and allow you to tap into new audiences. With a podcast, you have the power to provide your audience with audio content that they can listen to while exercising, driving, or doing a wide range of other activities. Although blog posts get their points across, readers can’t effectively exercise or drive while reading blog posts. When blogging, podcasting, social media, an email list, and a few other things mix together, you’ll have the recipe for success.
Do you have a podcast? Do you want to start a podcast? Do you have any tips for newbie podcasters? Please share your thoughts and advice below.
Good reasons! On the other hand, they do take a lot of time to do well. And some investment in software, unless you want to figure out how to make it all run on freeware. I’ve been trying to get one going this year, and even on an every-two-week schedule, it’s tough. It’s hard to line up experts, it’s hard to find something to talk about I haven’t already covered sufficiently in videos or articles . . . there’s only so many ways to divide up your time–and none of this is the writing that pays my bills.
I understand how podcasting can take up a large amount of time, but some people have reported that their podcasts make up a bulk of their traffic and revenue. Before you start a podcast, you should have a landing page in place to grow your email list and a product in place so you can generate revenue. The podcast is a way to bring more attention to those things while providing additional free value for your audience.
Very Good Marc. Also me, I am preparing to start with podcast.
Thank you Claudia. I am happy to hear that you are preparing your own podcast. Please let me know how it goes.