There must be something you don’t like about a particular company. That business is insufficient at something that you believe they should be doing sufficiently. Maybe the service isn’t good. Maybe the people in charge aren’t the nicest. Maybe all of the products that person is selling are too expensive. There are going to be things you pick up that you wish could change.
Instead of wishing for all of those things to change in your favor, be the change. This does not mean getting a job at the business that you think needs changing or writing all of those complaints. This means applying those changes to your business. If a company has bad customer service, don’t change them. Instead, make sure your company has good customer service. You can’t change the direction someone else’s company is going in without their consent, and we’re not likely to get that consent.
People are picking up on the things you’re picking up on too. If you notice bad customer services, chances are a lot of other people will recognize the bad customer service as well. If you are the change, people will come to you instead of the company that has all of those flaws. By being the change, you will change where the consumers go to buy products.