Most people do last-minute shopping about a week or so before the holidays. The year is also coming to an end which makes it double crunch time for everyone to get goals accomplished. That’s why there aren’t any sales on the week before Christmas because stores expect consumers ready to buy anyway because the convenience outweighs the price.
Christmas shoppers have this option. Entrepreneurs do not have this option when it involves their businesses. If you aren’t ready for Christmas, you need to start getting ready. Promote some awesome products, and boost that exposure as the holidays come around. Waiting until mid-November or early December to start this is too late. Consumers would have already found someone else, and other entrepreneurs will already be prepared for the holidays at this point.
It’s like the ant and the grasshopper. The ant gathers all of its food before the summer ends while the grasshopper frantically searches for food in the middle of Fall. The grasshopper ends up staying alive, but the grasshopper was able to learn a valuable lesson for the next year. Being the ant requires more consistent work which results in everything getting done faster. Being the grasshopper requires short bursts of energy in crunch time situations. Don’t get crunched. Be consistent and accomplish what you need to get done.
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