With over 70 million users, Pinterest is growing at a rapid pace, and if you’re not on Pinterest at all, then now is the perfect time to create an account. People are more likely to share content on Pinterest than on any other social network. Over 80% of pins are repins while the other social networks are behind.
Since people are commonly repinning other pins, it’s easier to go viral on Pinterest. When I had less than 1,000 followers, one of my pins got repinned almost a thousand times. You can go from unknown to viral on Pinterest as long as you have a few hundred followers and a really good pin.
Pinterest allows you to organize your content differently. Information can be organized into boards which can be moved around at any time. If you have three boards about infographics, you can put all three of those boards next to each other. If you have boards with videos, you can put all of those boards next to each other as well. Pinterest allows you to organize your content in a way that allows your followers to easily browse through the content they want to look at.
With Pinterest, you don’t have to talk exclusively about your business. You can pin based on your business on some of your boards, and you can pin about your interests on other boards. I have boards about social media, but I also have boards about penguins, baseball players, books, and Legos.
Pinterest boards allow you to become more specific. If you want to create boards with YouTube videos, you can create boards with humorous, informative, and inspirational videos. When you create boards that are specific, you have the power to satisfy specific needs that your followers have. Instead of browsing the web for humorous YouTube videos, your followers will be able to look at the videos you pinned on your board.
While you pin pictures relating to your business and interests, you can also pin pictures of your products. If you have written any books, or you want to recommend a product with an affiliate link, Pinterest will help you get a dramatic increase in sales. Consumers on Pinterest spend an average of $180 per purchase. Facebook comes in second place at an average of $85 per consumer.
Consumers are also more enticed to buy a product if they see a picture of the product. With Pinterest, you will be able to show a picture of the product, and when people click on the product, they can be led directly to the sales page. Pinterest will also allow you to target people with specific interests. If you have a board for every social network, people who are only interested in Twitter will still follow you since you have a board about Twitter. More boards will lead to more options which will lead to more followers.
Pinterest is too powerful to be ignored.
Good article Marc, I agree 100%. Now, if only Pinterest would make a few additions like bookmarking Boards and Pinners so you can view someones Boards more quickly without searching or adding everything to your stream.