What do you stand for? What makes you who you are? How can you use that to build an authority and find your on the web?
These three questions are commonly discussed. We want to chase our passions and make money by doing what we love to do.
We spend about 33% of our lives working. That’s a lot of time to either be happy or sad. Finding your voice on the web allows you to gradually build an authority.
Before you can build an authority, you need to find your voice. Here’s how:
Ask Yourself This Question
What is your purpose?
This question will allow you to learn a lot about yourself. If you ask yourself this question every day, you will eventually discover what your purpose is.
Your purpose is the reason you are here. You build your voice around your purpose so you enjoy what you do.
If you are having difficulty finding your purpose, just ask yourself what you like doing. If you don’t like to do something, then it isn’t for you.
In other words, your purpose won’t be to do something that you hate. That’s not living life to its fullest potential.
Your purpose is to do more than to survive. Your purpose is to thrive in a certain area. Where you are to thrive will open itself up if you search for it.
Find Role Models Who Are Fulfilling Your Purpose
Chances are some people already live the way you want to. Their fulfilled purposes parallel with your purpose that you want to fulfill.
There are two ways to look at people who are already where you want to be. Each viewpoint also presents its different consequences:
#1: Envy. You will wish you were in that person’s position and hope to see that person falls. If you can’t have it, neither can the other person. Envy guarantees failure.
#2: Admiration. You recognize that the same people fulfilling the purpose you wish to fulfill started out where you are now. These people then become your role models and help you achieve success. Admire others and soon enough others will admire you.
I have many role models, and I admire them all. This admiration allowed me to become a better individual. Instead of wishing I was them, I use them as motivation.
That’s how we should view all of our role models.
Put In The Work
Identifying your purpose lets you know what you have to do. Finding role models lets you see who is living out your purpose the right way, and who you should use for inspiration.
Once you have these first two steps done, the next step is to simply put in the work.
No matter what blog post you read about becoming successful or doing something incredible, putting in the work will show up in one way or the other.
You don’t become an athlete without putting in the work. You don’t become a bestselling author without putting in the work.
And you definitely don’t become a successful entrepreneur without putting in the work.
Identify the type of work you must put in, and then simply put in the work every day. Regardless of how much work you put in every day, it is critical to put in the work daily.
Putting in the work every day will eventually turn that work into a habit. Eventually, you won’t even think about it as work.
It is better to do the work for 15 minutes every day than it is to only do three hours over the weekend but do nothing during the weekdays.
Mathematically, that doesn’t make much sense. 15 minutes per day does not add up to three hours (it only adds up to 1 hour and 45 minutes).
The importance is that 15 minutes per day turns the work into a habit. Once you turn the work into a habit, it becomes effortless.
If you have time in your schedule, it won’t take long before you can comfortably perform the same work for 30 minutes each day.
It becomes more fun. You get more productive. You feel comfortable doing what you do.
It is better to be consistent than it is to get all of the work done in one day.
Reflect And See If This Is Right For You
After you put in the work, you now have the opportunity to reflect. Is this really something that you want to do for the rest of your life?
Some people will say yes while others will say no.
All that matters is what you say.
If you believe you are on the right track, then stay on that track. If you don’t believe your current path is for you, then get on another path.
The moment you lose belief in yourself is when everything gradually falls apart (unless you change).
I like to reflect by writing in a journal every night. Before I go to bed, I write about the dreams I am chasing after. Writing in my journal every night reinforces the idea that my dreams are worth it and that I must get them.
Everything I am feeling in my mind lands on the journal. The cool part is that many months later, I will look back at those entries and see what I was thinking at the time.
A journal doesn’t cost much. The experiences it provides you with as you chase your dreams may become unforgettable.
In Conclusion
Finding your voice lets you know what you must be. The work that helps you amplify your voice and live life the way you want to matters more than any of your other workload.
Put in the work to achieve your dreams, and with patience, your dreams will be achieved. Patience is the most important part of the process. Few people have it which is why compared to the world population, few people are successful.
Which part of this process do you think is the most important? Do you have any other tips for us to find our voices and build authorities around them? Sound off in the comments section below.