If you can perform a quick action in the perfect timing, your business will thrive. Stock investors know this very well. Investing in the right stocks at the right time will lead to a bigger profit. Investing in something too late will result in a smaller profit or no profit at all.
Blogs work the same way. If you find a product that is selling, you keep on talking about that individual product through blog posts. If you find a product that has potential, you can offer a small discount for a limited time. When the price goes back up, more people will buy it since they liked it the first time.
Making eBooks is the same as well. If your eBook is very successful, everyone will want a Part 2. You have to be able to make the eBook quickly if you want to get even more sales on the old and new eBooks alike. Then you have to keep on making them.
How did I get the idea for this post? On one of my track meets, I did the quick action, but I had poor timing. I still had a good time, but it could have been better. Timing is crucial, but the actions that are performed in a specific amount of time are just as crucial.