There are some blogs that are thriving and get thousands of visitors every day. On the other hand, there are blogs that are not doing as well. Some people know that their blog is not doing well, others know their blog is thriving, while others are not sure. Regardless about what you think about your blog, you need to know whether your blog is doing well or not. That is why I provided with you 8 signs that your blog is not doing well. That way, if your blog is not doing well, you know what to work on. In addition, if your blog does not have any of these signs, it means you are doing a good job with your blog.
- Your blog does not get a lot of social media traffic. Social media traffic and SEO traffic are related. As you get more social media traffic, you will also get more search engine traffic. In addition, social media gives you the ability to interact with the people who visit your blog. Not getting a lot of social media traffic and not having a targeted audience means that you will not be able to interact with as many people who visit your blog as you could be.
- Your blog does not get many visitors in general. A big reason this problem exists for most people is because they have not developed big, targeted audiences on their social networks. Few visitors on your blog means few people to interact with or share your posts.
- Your blog posts are not getting shared often. If your blog posts are not getting shared often on social networks, it shows that few people visit the blog, and few of the people who come in the first place don’t share your blog posts anyway. In order to fix this problem, you need to by omnipresent on all of the social networks, grow those audiences, and share your blog posts. Then, some people will take your lead by reposting your post or sharing your blog post using social media sharing buttons which should be at the bottom of every blog post.
- You don’t have a big email list. Everyone on the email list represents someone who likes your content enough to trust you with their email address. In addition, these people will most likely become returning visitors and read your blog posts every other day. In order to get a bigger email list, implement these tips.
- You don’t know a lot about SEO. One of the best ways to get a lot of long-term traffic to your blog is by enhancing that blog’s SEO. However, there are many people who do not know exactly how to boost their SEO while some people get confused by the meaning of the word SEO. You can brush up on your SEO here and learn how to boost your SEO by going here.
- You do not look at your blog’s statistics often. If you do not look at your blog’s statistics often, then you don’t know how many visitors you are getting or how many people are on your email list. Your blog statistics have the answers, as well as information. You can identify the day you got the most traffic on, and the sources that led to that traffic. Then, you can look back at that day and identify what you did differently to get the rise in traffic. After that, continue doing what you did differently on that day and you will see a big jump in your traffic.
- You consider blogging to be a hobby. If you are writing blog posts inconsistently, and your blog is not big-time (yet), then you consider blogging to be a hobby. Blogging only works for the people who see blogging as something that is more than a hobby. Blogging for a hobby may result in a few visitors, but blogging for your profession will force you to consistently write blog posts and never miss a single day. Some passionate bloggers wrote blog posts for the day even when they had fevers. You need to decide for yourself how seriously you take blogging and decide whether your view of blogging will be as a hobby or a profession.
- Writing 250 words feels awkward or too time consuming. There are some blog posts that will take a long time to write (some blog posts are longer than others). However, if feels awkward or too time consuming to put in the time to write 250 words, then that’s a big problem. You should strive to make all of your blog posts at least 250 words, and if it feels uncomfortable writing 250 words, imagine how difficult it would be to write 250 words (and eventually a lot more) every day. The best way to get over this problem is by writing more often. Challenge yourself to write 1 blog post every day. Then challenge yourself to write 1 blog post every day while writing a book. The more you challenge yourself, the more words you will be able to write.
Congratulations on making it though the checklist. Did you make it through the checklist fine or do you have some things to work on? What are your thoughts about the checklist? Do you have any additional signs that a blog may be in trouble? Please share your thoughts and advice below.
I have had my blog for a month and I only have 3 followers and 110 views, is that bad?
All blogs start slow. That’s definitely better than my first month of blogging. It’s a good start that will only get better as you go deeper into your blogging journey.
Hi Marc,
Thanks for the great checklist. It would appear my blog isn’t doing well!
I feel fairly confident about how to increase my blog’s traffic but have you got any tips on how I can improve post engagement (ie get more comments)? It’s really disheartening when no one seems to be connecting with my content!
The good thing about feeling like your blog isn’t doing well is that you will have more motivation to improve it. I always ask for comments at the end of all of my blog posts. Look at my most recent blog posts. Almost all of them end with something like “Sound off in the comments section below.”
Just started my blog and am sorta nervous. If you can give me some feedback Marc that would be great! Please, and thank you.
When we start something new for the first time, we’ll get the butterflies. I recently did my first Periscope broadcast in over a month and was nervous. It actually took me 10 minutes just to click the broadcast button. My best tip is to continuously write blog posts every day. That way it becomes a habit and you get more comfortable. Once you get more comfortable with writing blog posts, real growth can occur.
Hi Marc,
thanks for the great article.
What is the main way to build an audience? Publishing great content is not always enough.
This is a question with many answers. I like to use social media because not only do I build my audience but I also get to interact with my audience and build meaningful relationships. Some of the relationships I built via social media started a few years ago, and those relationships are still strong today.
There is always a way to optimize a blog. Even my blog needs to get optimized somehow. The more you learn about blogging, the more ways you realize you need to optimize your blog. Those eight signs are just things that you need to avoid or else you are in trouble.
I agree, Marc. There is always something that a person can do to get better. If we ever have the attitude of, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it,” then we have lost something. In business I am always searching for ways to improve, hone my skills, and be a better marketer. It is the same with blogging. Thanks for the great article! I look forward to reading more from you.
My pleasure Toni. It is important for us to constantly strive to improve ourselves and accomplish great things throughout our blogging journeys and our lives as well.