A line segment is a part of a line with 2 end points. A line segment, or as I would like to call it, Line Segment AB, can be used to give you an idea of how much your business has improved or declined. Point A can be considered the starting point (where you began with your business) and Point B can be considered as achieving a goal. You might be close to that goal, or you might be far away from it. Line Segment AB will give you an idea of how close you are to achieving that goal.
Running down hills can be a lot of fun…running back up those hills is the big challenge. There are a lot of hills we will encounter. When you have to go uphill, you are getting somewhere better than you were previously. However, running up that hill takes a lot of energy without walking. Eventually, running up the same hill will be very easy.
Take charge of your business, and don’t be scared of running uphill because once you get to the top, you will feel better and stronger than you did previously.
Quick Action–My Experience
I am well aware that I talked about quick action very recently, but I had a moment of very quick action yesterday which I think a lot of people would be interested in. Yesterday started out as a normal day–I got to school at around 8, finished track at around 4:30, and stayed for a while talking to friends, doing homework, and watching a volleyball game in the gym. On our way home, the sky looked innocent, but as we drove farther, a storm was catching up to us. I knew I would get home safely, but I also heard about thunder and lightning which to me is no fun to be in. Not only that, but I feared that the bad weather would take out the connection I had to the internet which would lead to no tweets and no blog posts for this blog and my other blog as well. I got home and ran right up to do my work. I scheduled tweets and blog posts for two of my blogs (including this one). I saw lightning and heard the thunder as I typed, but since this blog post is very long, everything turned out to be okay. Waiting 30 minutes to do my work (eating, shower, etc.) would have resulted in me risking losing the internet and the ability to write more content.
There Is No One Stopping You…Except Yourself
You can accomplish any task without anyone stopping you. There may be some people who disagree with what you do or discourage you, but they don’t matter. Giving in to negative comments about what you do will force you to question the purpose of your business or what you do. Questioning yourself will lead to self-doubt which will make you reconsider what you are doing. The workload might be too strenuous and not produce the expected results. These are the times when our true character is tested. We figure out if we give in to others with the help of our self-conscience, stop ourselves from going further, or keep on propelling forward.
Earning VS Winning
There is a HUGE difference between earning money and winning money. Winning money requires good fortune or as other people would like to describe it, luck. Winning money can rarely be done on a consistent basis, and those winnings do get spent somehow. Winners may think their winnings are 10 time more than they really are and throw money away. Soon those winnings start to disappear, but earnings never disappear. It takes work to get earnings, not pure luck. Working to earn money will give you a greater value for what money is really worth and how limited it truly is. When I earn money, I am always happy, but that’s not because I see the hundreds of dollars moving to my Paypal account, but instead, I am seeing all of my hard work pay off. When you are an earner, it’s not about the money you earn, but it’s about becoming independent and able to thrive on your own.
You Never Know What You Have Until It’s Gone
This is very true. Squidoo recently flagged some lenses which they believed didn’t have good enough content to remain on Squidoo. I got my warnings yesterday, and if I don’t fix a lens by the 23rd of April, it gets locked. That’s a bummer, but it got me thinking. Yesterday, I got news that 24 of my lenses were flagged. I took a look at the flagged lenses, questioned some, but understood why a majority of them were flagged. I have worked that number down from 24 lenses to only 8 lenses. I still have about 3 weeks to work on all of the other lenses that were given a heads up. The 16 lenses that I worked on to republish all have more content and hadn’t been updated for months. You never really know what you have until it is gone.