There are a lot of bestselling authors who use numerous methods to promote their books. I have been looking through all of the methods that various bestselling authors shared. There were some of the common ones such as use social media, increase traffic, and so on. However, there was one uncommon practice that commonly appeared as a method used by bestselling authors to increase sales.
Giving away a product for free is an uncommon practice. A majority of people don’t follow this method. The thought of giving your own content away for free baffles a majority of entrepreneurs. After all of that hard work, giving anything away for free seems crazy.
Giving away a product is going to result in you losing some money in the beginning. One bestseller advised to, “Give till it hurts.” The secret is that you’re not famous yet. People don’t know about you, and they don’t know what to expect from your products. If a product is free, the risk of being unsatisfied gets taken out of the equation. By giving your products to consumers for free, the consumer will appreciate your product for its quality. They tell their friends about you, and you’ll get more sales.
Giving away products will also allow you to create testimonials. For bestselling authors, these testimonials appear as reviews on popular e-commerce websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble. When a consumer sees all of the good reviews, they are more likely to buy the product. The consumer thinks, “If other people liked the product, I’ll probably like it too.”
Most entrepreneurs aren’t open to the idea of giving their product away for free. When these entrepreneurs imagine giving 100 of their own products away for free, many will avoid giving away their products no matter what happens. However, giving away your product will allow you to create the buzz that won’t go away.
The road is going to be very bumpy in the beginning, but the ROI is going to be legendary.