Social media is powerful. With social media, small businesses and entrepreneurs are given a stronger presence than at any point in history. Social media is a powerful tool that can cause any unknown business to become the next big thing.
It is possible, and it’s easier than many people think. There are 3 top problems that people face on social media, and I will provide solutions for each of those problems.
- Getting more followers. You have to be patience in order to get more followers. There are plenty of ways to get more followers such as tweeting frequently, engaging in conversations, and so on. My next blog post will list 10 universal ways to get more followers with any social network.
- Quickly becoming overwhelmed. There are too many people who are thinking Competitor A has over 100,000 followers, Competitor B has over 50,000 followers, and I just started using social media. These people may not even know much about using their social network, yet. That last word, yet, is the most important word in the sentence. You will learn a lot about social media by subscribing to this blog, but I encourage you to explore other options as well. Business2Community, Social Media Today, and Techcrunch are some of the many places that you can find valuable resources and posts about all of the social networks. However, don’t try to do too much in a single day. Take social media one day at a time until you have learned a lot about your social network and others as well.
- No sales or clicks. What’s the point? You will start to see those sales and clicks when you get more followers and engage with them properly. However, people are worrying about their sales, clicks, and the ROI (return of investment). You’re not spending money in this investment. You’re spending time. After a couple of hours, there aren’t any sales or clicks. Remember that becoming successful on any social network requires a lot of patience. It’s my go-to piece of advice that I would give anyone about becoming successful on social media. If you have the following, but you still aren’t getting any sales, try the 80/20 rule. Tweet about other people’s content 80% of the time and your content 20% of the time. Better yet, when you tweet your content, tweet about your blog 15% of the time and one of your products only 5% of the time. People don’t want to see your product unless they trust and respect you. I finally bought Seth Godin’s book Purple Cow. I have been subscribed to his blog for more than a year, and I finally decided to buy the book. Some people will take months to build trust while others will take a year. You don’t get the return on investment right away. It takes time.