Giving back is something that many people do whether it is a $5 donation to a worthy cause or clothing that doesn’t fit anymore. Giving back can be productive for your business as well if you are smart about how you give back. I recently read an article about someone who donated $3 to a charity per Twitter follower. That person ended up donating over $250,000 to charities (which is a very generous donation) while getting, oh, an extra 83,000 followers. Today, this person has close to 400,000 followers, and this proves that you can give a lot back and help out your business at the same time.
Keep Up With The Latest Trends
Keeping up with the latest trends is very important, especially if these trends can help shape the future or give you more publicity. One trend that will eventually change the world if it hasn’t already is 3D Printing which can print virtually any three-dimensional object. 3D Printers can print jewelry, toys, iPhone cases, and many more objects that can be sold online. It shouldn’t be hard for you to own your own product, and 3D Printers make that process simple. If you keep up with the latest trends, you will obtain a lot of knowledge about the trend. As that trend gets bigger, you can share your knowledge, and you’ll get a lot of traffic to your website or blog.
Why I Love What I Do
Of course the money aspect does play a part to why I love what I do, but it is only a nice bonus. I love doing what I do because I can write my content and know people will see it. Whether I only get 1 person to see my blog posts or thousands of people, I know someone is seeing my content. I can also write about anything I want. There is no writing requirement that specifies a topic or writing style. If you have your own business, you should be able to set your own rules for your business, but at the same time, you have to reach the viewer’s satisfaction (nothing boring, nothing inappropriate, etc). Other than that, I get to make the rules for my own business, and I have been happy with the results. I think many people would most certainly be more motivated if their businesses were not restricted in any way.
Time Flies By
Doesn’t it seem like yesterday was February? Time really does fly by whether you want ti to or not. Since time really does fly by fast, you have to utilize your time properly so that you can get the best out of your business. One moment, we could be in 1 month and suddenly find ourselves in another month. Within that moment, it is important for your business to have some kind of positive growth. When businesses do not put in the work for that first month, that business follows a negative trend of no productivity. Getting out of that bad trend can be hard as well. Make sure you don’t get into that bad habit by working on your business to see a positive trend, and keep it up!
Don’t Overlook What You Already Have
Everyday, I look at Squidoo lensranks when they are updated. The main reason I look at lensranks is to see which lenses need to be updated the most and how much money they will bring in for the month. Yesterday’s lensranks were very peculiar primarily because there was a glitch. While the glitch made 5 of my lenses much better in lensrank, the glitch would have hurt a huge majority of my lenses. One of my top lenses went from earning an easy $50 a month to earning nothing at all. Luckily, this glitch was fixed, but if this glitch was not fixed, it would have hurt me a lot. This glitch allowed me to truly appreciate where my Squidoo lenses are right now, but there were some parts of the glitch that weren’t too bad. I have now become inspired to get the best of both situations. I want some of the lensranks that I saw in the glitch, but I want to keep some of the lensranks that I have now.
How To Get Better At Something
If you want to get better at something, you have to keep on trying and doing more than others around you. If you want to get better at something, you have to be committed to your own goals and accomplishing each of them. You keep on getting better as more time is put into a common goal. Never give up!